Monday, March 2, 2009


Today, I get the impression that you are a pretty pivotal part of my blog audience. How often do you read this, nitzche? and yes, i just called you nitzsche.
and who saw erin's post about wanting to just come to spain? i did. wazzup america! bam!


  1. Can we all come and visit you? I think i will have to settle for living through you and your stories.

  2. Happy Birthday happy happy birthday!!!!!!!! today

  3. Well, I just read it whenever you post! haha, Um...i wanted to go to Spain/England buuut....I dont know. I just have a hard time spending the money on myself to do it. I know I should but...I'm already saving for that road trip, too. Plus trying to get Drew to go is a task in itself.

  4. happy birthday jeff?! i didn't know--im terrible. and hi laurie!!

  5. can't wait to hear about your birthday in spain.. weelll if you didn't want anyone to know that yesterday was your birthday.. sorry lol.
